About Billy Denham
Parents of Billy and Gary Denham
Parents of Billy and Gary Denham
Our Family
My Musical Heritage
My Cassette Albums
My CD's
Other Family Members
Tablature of My Music
Places We Are Playing

With each picture I will share with you things about each of our Parents Elbert M. and Mary Louise Delzell DENHAM.

Elbert Denham and Mary Louise Delzell abt. 1935

This is a picture of our parents before they were married. This was taken by the spur track that ran into the H.L. Judd Company, aka. Curtainpole Factory, where both of their parents lived and worked. Dad was about 19 and Mother was about 15 when this picture was taken. They were married October 3, 1936

Ebb and Louise Denham abt. 1970

This picture was taken for a directory of the East Chattanooga Baptist Tabernacle, where Mom and Dad attended. Dad served the church as Deacon, Chairman of Deacons, Treasurer and Men's Crusader Class Teacher. He went home to be with the Lord, January 23, 1883. Mother moved her membership to Harmony Baptist Church where she served as Sunday School Treasurer and Fellowship Hall Hostess. She went home to be with the Lord, March 22, 2002.

Elbert Milton Denham family heritage
Dad was born April 8, 1915 in Northeast Hamilton County, TN. to Arthur Trainer DENHAM and Mattie Lovella HINDMAN. Both parents were born in the same community then known as James County. Dad was the third child in a family of nine. Arthur was the youngest son of Squire William DENHAM and Louise Elizabeth YORK. Squire was born in the Melungeon Community of Hancock County, TN. Louise was born in Giles County, TN.
Mary Louise Delzell family heritage
Mother was born October 9, 1919 to Rev. William McKelvey DELZELL and Lou WEST. Both were born in the Decherd/Greenhaw Community of Franklin County, TN. Mother was the fourth and last child. Rev. William's parents were William DELZELL and Nancy McKELVEY. Both were born in the Decherd/Greenhaw area. William served in the Confederate Army, Company D 44th Tennessee Infantry.